What is the difference between the fully automatic and automatic switching functions of diesel generator sets?

Choosing the right diesel generator set involves understanding the nuances of fully automatic and automatic switching functions, a decision critical to your power needs. Let's dive deeper into these concepts for a comprehensive insight:

Fully Automatic Operation with ATS: This cutting-edge system incorporates Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS), ushering in a new era of automation. For this level of automation, you'll need a fully automatic controller framework and an ATS automatic conversion switch cabinet. Here's how it works: When the mains power supply fails, the diesel generator set kicks into action without any manual intervention. It recognizes the outage, starts generating power, and seamlessly restores electricity to your system. Once the mains power is back, it orchestrates a graceful transition, shutting down the generator, and returning the system to its initial state, primed for the next power disruption.

Automatic Operation: In contrast, automatic operation requires only a fully automatic controller. When a power outage is detected, the diesel generator set springs to life automatically. However, when the mains power is back on, the generator set will automatically shut down, but it won't switch back to mains power without manual input.

The decision between these two types of fully automatic generators hinges on specific needs. Units equipped with ATS automatic switching power cabinets offer advanced functionality but come at a higher cost. Therefore, users should carefully assess whether this level of automation is necessary to avoid unnecessary expenditure. Typically, fully automatic functions are a must for diesel generator sets used in critical applications, such as fire safety emergencies. For standard operations, manual control is often sufficient, keeping costs in check.

Gaining a clear understanding of the difference between fully automatic and automatic switching functions empowers you to make an informed choice that perfectly aligns with your power generation requirements, be it for routine use or crucial emergency scenarios.

Post time: Sep-21-2023